Membership to Pursuit is free of charge. Becoming a member allows you to sign up for any of our activities as they become available. You’ll also receive our email newsletter so you’ll be the first to know when new activities are added to the calendar.

Steps to Becoming a Member:

  1. Complete our Membership Form here. If there are any issues with your form once we receive it, we’ll reach out to you.

  2. Complete and sign the Liability Waiver and Media Release Form here. You’ll have to complete this before the first activity you attend every year for our records; we’ll remind you when it’s time to do so.

A member using a sit arm pulley to climb a rock wall at Sportrock, giving a thumbs up.


  • We welcome anyone over the age of 18, with a physical or sensory disability to join Pursuit.

  • Yes. We welcome anyone over the age of 18 to support us by volunteering or donating. Our volunteers help us in a number of capacities. Donations go towards providing quality events to our members. Please visit the volunteer page and donate page for more information.

  • Absolutely. We welcome anyone who qualifies and is interested in any of our activities.

  • Safety always come first, then fun! All of our partner organizations have trained adaptive sport staff and/or volunteers that work with Pursuit members to ensure safety. Pursuit has a certified recreation therapist on staff to insure the safety of the activity and our members. While members are encouraged to try new sports, they are also supported to find their own comfort level with each activity.

  • Trained adaptive sports staff and/or volunteers will be available at all activities to support each participating member.

  • All equipment for sporting activities will be provided. If a member has their own equipment for a particular sport, they are invited to bring it along, e.g. bike helmet, etc.

  • No previous experience is necessary for any of our activities. We meet each individuals' level of experience, whether they are a beginner or well versed in the sport.

  • Most of the activities are free of charge but some activity venues charge a fee. We work hard to keep costs as low as possible so that our events are accessible to all. Contact Pursuit to discuss options if an activity cost is beyond your means.

  • Pursuit aims to schedule activities in the metro DC area as close as possible to metro train stops. This allows several options, members can take the metro, members can take Metro Access or accessible Ubers. When an activity is outside the metro area, Pursuit will work to assist those members with carpooling. Contact Pursuit if you require transportation to an activity.

A member receiving assistance from two trained volunteers in the wind tunnel during indoor skydiving at iFly.